How to Choose a Computer According to Your Needs?

What is a Computer?

Nowadays, computers are everywhere. From surveillance to gaming and performing professional gigs, they dominate all aspects of the modern-day world.

Why do we need them? They make tasks simpler and easier. From cutting corners on CAD design software perfectly to navigating space shuttles; the computers are simply painstaking.

Starting from time-telling clocks and vintage spy machines to the big data powerhouse supercomputers, computers have caused a revolution in our lives, work, and technology.

Ranging from humungous data servers to desktops with powerful motherboards, smartphones, smartwatches, and self-sustaining nano-chips, it is computers all around us empowering humanity to conquer.

Which computer is best for you? The purpose of buying a computer depends on its usage, budget, specs, hardware and software, battery, graphics, sturdiness, and the list goes on.

What Computer Do I Need?

So, here is how you will get a preferred computer that does everything you ask for:

A Perfect Computer

A supercomputer by IBM that does everything from storing billions of gigabytes of data, forecasting weather to surveilling millions around the planets with spy satellites will never be a perfect pick for a British hardcore gamer or an Indian programmer.

You need to be specific about the choices and the right specs (both software and hardware) in a PC you are going to buy. A desktop PC could be used for gaming and content creation but still lacks portability and dynamism.

Meanwhile, a laptop is portable, lightweight, and efficient, yet it cannot withstand hours of handiness in meeting all the high-end hardware and software benchmarks. The smartphones and tablets could be faster and carried on everywhere with their battery backup lasting for days. Still, you cannot code or program software or meticulously create professional content in a way PC and laptop do.

Ultimately, there is a restriction and performance barrier for all the computers. Here is an overview of the purposes and restrictions owing to all the computer types chronologically.

Desktop PCs

desktop PC

They are huge, bulky, and stationary computers. The big desktops were the first ones used for data computing purposes. A typical desktop comprises a keyboard, a mouse or gaming overwatch mouse, a CPU, and a monitoring screen. They are heavy-duty guys with myriad features that can be replaced and upgraded accordingly.

Purpose-built desktops are used for high-end gaming, content creation, for running infinite data processing streams, security, programming, and whatnot. Play the heftiest games in a snap or edit professional videos with Adobe Suites, it is all possible with desktop PCs in a flurry.

For Gaming

Gaming desktop PCs are highly sturdy, power-packed, and expensive computers. They are built to withstand overclocking, high graphics capacity, faster RAM and static memory, efficient cooling capacities, and with advanced motherboards.

Motherboards are essential components in a gaming desktop. Make sure that your motherboard is compatible with all the latest AMD Ryzen and Intel series.

The finest motherboards deliver swift overclocking speeds and freedom to connect with all the advanced computer circuitry in an upgraded PC.

The next-generation RAM models include dedicated game cache memory and spacious storage space with immaculate speed to meet real-time gaming requirements.

Check out here for the Best RAMs for Intel i9-based computers and AMD Ryzen 7 series CPUs.

Full-HD gaming is incomplete without a graphics processing unit or GPU. Graphics cards adapt to the system chucks for an enhanced and cutting-edge gaming experience. For online games, you also need faster internet and it needs the best PCIe wifi cards.

Choose from the best graphics card options for FHD gaming considering PC case type, system type, compatibility, and budget.

NVIDIA graphics cards are swift and highly compatible with all tailor-made gaming systems. The contemporary low-profile graphics cards are specifically made for micro- and mini-PC cases.

PCs for Rendering and Graphics Design

Rendering requires high computing capacity. It may not be done with the same specifications required to run a gaming PC or vice versa. For setting up a PC for 3D rendering and animations, all you need are a few tweaks and hardware upgrades before moving to the software section.

Rendering is a built-in process performed by computers when needed. 3D rendering is only activated by a smart AI when a 3D-based CAD or animated software is run on a computer.

Rendering PCs are incredible for their strength and architecture. They have dedicated RAM lanes and graphics slots for expansions. 3D animations require high dataflow to and from memory systems and needing higher quiet PC cases and substantial power to run all the components.

The best processors for graphics design and content creation must have balanced speed and data processing. If you are running AMD Ryzen 7 series processor on your rendering PC, check its overclocking speed and cache memory for a better comparison before buying.

Also, SSD memory is always better than obsolete HDDs for higher efficiency in speed and graphics.


Laptops are battery-run portable computer machines that are predecessors to desktop workstations and PCs. They too have limited hardware up-gradation capacities. Besides, they are lightweight and can be carried anywhere. Laptops have integrated mice, keyboard, monitor screens, motherboards, and CPUs.

Gaming laptops are hot and trending around the world with better ergonomics and large capacities to run mid-range to heavy-duty games for low-budget gamers and without compromising on portability.

Modern gaming laptop models have stepped in the shoes of high-end gaming leagues now. Click here for low-budget Minecraft gaming laptops under 300 USD.

Laptops work best for field engineers and programmers in meeting all the requirements of a PC workstation with perks to take it wherever needed.

The convertible laptops are modern solutions to multipurpose day-to-day tasks. For students and leisure users, all needed is slim and strong hardware, a long-lasting battery, stylish looks, and adequate RAM to make a day of it.


Smartphones are minuscule and handy. Fit them inside a pocket and do whatever is needed, from taking pictures to playing games, browsing the internet, or seamlessly editing and recreating videos and images without sitting in front of a desktop or laptop. They are the smartest of the smart computer systems with their limitations, of course.

I hope this will be worth reading the above articles about choosing the PC, here you can also read which will be the best time to buy pc parts.